

Program monitoringu lasów w 2016 roku


Monitoring lasów na stałych powierzchniach obserwacyjnych I rzędu


Ocena poziomu uszkodzenia monitorowanych gatunków drzew


Ocena symptomów i przyczyn uszkodzeń drzew


Wpływ warunków pogodowych na zdrowotność drzewostanów


Defoliacja drzew przy różnej dostępności wody glebowej


Zmiany składu gatunkowego w drzewostanach w dziesięcioleciu 2007-2016


Badania na stałych powierzchniach obserwacyjnych monitoringu intensywnego (SPO MI)


Wielkość depozytu wnoszonego z opadami atmosferycznymi


Poziom koncentracji NO2 i SO2 w powietrzu


Opady podkoronowe oraz roztwory glebowe


Zanieczyszczenie powietrza oraz ocena zagrożenia zakwaszeniem i eutrofizacją terenów leśnych w Polsce na podstawie wyników badań na SPO MI


  1. Aber J.D., Nadelhoffer K.J., Steudler P., Melillo J.M. (1989). Nitrogen saturation in northern forest ecosystems. BioScience 39: 378–386.

  2. Akselsson C., Ardö J., Sverdrup H. (2004). Critical loads of acidity for forest soils and relationship to forest decline in the northern Czech Republic. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 98: 363–379.

  3. Biuletyny Państwowej Służby Hydrologiczno-Meteorologicznej, miesięczniki z lat 2012-2016, Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa.

  4. Blunden J., Arndt D., Baringer M. (2011). State of the Climate in 2010. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92 (6).

  5. Bobbink i Hettelingh, (2011), Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships : Proceedings of an expert workshop, Noordwijkerhout, 23-25 June 2010

  6. Boczoń A., Kowalska A., Dudzińska M., Wróbel M. (2016). Drought in Polish Forests in 2015. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25, 5, 1857-1862.

  7. Burke E.J., Brown S.J., Christidis N. (2006). Modeling the recent evolution of global drought and projections for the twenty-first century with the Hadley Centre climate model. Journal of Hydrometeorology 7 (5), 1113-1125.

  8. Chang S.-C. & Matzner E. (2000). The effect of beech stemflow on spatial patterns of soil solution chemistry and seepage fluxes in a mixed beech/oak stand. Hydrological Processes, 14, 135-144.

  9. Choat B., Jansen S., Brodribb T.J., Cochard H., Delzon S., Bhaskar R., Bucci S.J., Feild T.S., Gleason S.M., Hacke U.G., Jacobsen A.L., Lens F., Maherali H., Martínez-Vilalta J., Mayr S., Mencuccini M., Mitchell P.J., Nardini A., Pittermann J., Pratt R.B., Sperry J.S., Westoby M., Wright I.J., Zanne A.E. (2012). Global convergence in the vulnerability of  forests to drought. Nature 491(7426), 752–755.

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  11. Dobbertin M., Wermelinger B., Bigler C., Bürgi M., Carron M., Forster B., Gimmi U., Rigling A. (2007). Linking increased drought stress to Scots pine mortality and bark beetle infestations. Scientific World Journal 7(S1), 231–239.

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  13. EMEP Status Report 2016, Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. Norwegian Meteorological Institute. September 13, 2016. pp. 1-228. [dostęp: 13 lutego 2017 r.]

  14. Gundersen P., Rasmussen L. (1995). Nitrogen mobility in a nitrogen limited forest at Klosterhede, Denmark, examined by NH4NO3 addition. Forest Ecology and Management, 71, 75–88.

  15. Hansen B., Nielsen K. E. (1998). Comparison of acidic deposition to semi-natural ecosystems in Denmark—coastal heath, inland heath and oak wood. Atmospheric Environment, 32(6), 1075–1086.

  16. Johnson M. S., Lehmann J. (2006). Double-funneling of trees: Stemflow and root-induced preferential flow. Écoscience, 13(3), 324–333.

  17. Kowalska A., Astel A., Boczoń A., Polkowska Ż. (2016a). Atmospheric deposition in coniferous and deciduous tree stands in Poland. Atmospheric Environment 133/2016, 145-155.

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  19. Kristensen H. L., Gundersen P., Callesen I., Reinds G. J. (2004). Throughfall nitrogen deposition has different impacts on soil solution nitrate concentration in European coniferous and deciduous forests. Ecosystems, 7: 180–192

  20. Krochmal D., Kalina A. (1997a). Technical note. A method of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide determination in ambient air by use of passive samplers and ion chromatography. Atmospheric Environment 31(20): 3473-3479

  21. Krochmal D., Kalina A. (1997b). Measurements of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide concentrations in urban and rural areas of Poland using a passive sampling method. Environmental Pollution 96(3): 401-7.

  22. Mały Rocznik Statystyczny Polski 2016. Rok LIX, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Warszawa 2016 [dostęp: 10 lutego 2017 r.]

  23. Neirynck J., Kowalski A. S., Carrara A., Genouw G., Berghmans P., & Ceulemans R. (2007). Fluxes of oxidised and reduced nitrogen above a mixed coniferous forest exposed to various nitrogen emission sources. Environmental Pollution, 149, 31–43.

  24. Nieminen T. (2011). Soil Solution Collection and Analysis. Manual Part XI, 30 pp. In: Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests. UNECE, ICP Forests, Hamburg. ISBN: 978-3-926301-03-1.

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  26. Pecka T., Mill W. (2011). Doświadczalne ładunki krytyczne azotu dla ekosystemów lądowych – adaptacja metody CCE do warunków środowiskowych Polski. Ochrona Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych, 47, 121-132.

  27. Rihm B. (1996). Critical Loads of Nitrogen and their Exceedances. Eutrophying Atmospheric Deposition. Report on mapping critical loads of nutrient nitrogen for Switzerland, produced within the work programme under the Convention on Long- Range Transboundary Air Pollution of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE). Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape (FOEFL), Berne, pp. 74.

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  30. Semenov M., Bashkin V., Sverdrup H. (2001). Critical loads of acidity for forest ecosystems of North Asia.  Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 130: 1193-1198.

  31. Slootweg J., Posch M. Hettelingh J.-P. (2017). Modelling and mapping the impacts of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and sulphur, in: CCE Status Report 2015, RIVM Report 2015-0193, p. 141 pp, Coordination Centre for Effects, RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, URL, 2015.[dostęp: 10 lutego 2017].

  32. Slootweg J., Posch M., Hettelingh J.-P., Mathijssen L. (Eds.) (2014). Modelling and Mapping impacts of atmospheric deposition on plant species diversity in Europe: CCE Status Report 2014, Coordination Centre for Effects,

  33. Sohar K., Helama S., Läänelaid A., Raisio J., Tuomenvirta H. (2013). Oak decline in a southern finnish forest as affected by a drought sequence. Geochronometria 41(1), 92–103. DOI 10.2478/S13386-013-0137-2

  34. Thimonier A., Schmitt M., Waldner P., Rihm B. (2005). Atmospheric Deposition on Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) Plots. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 104(1-3), 81–118.

  35. Wang Q., Wu J., Lei T., He B., Wu Z., Liu M., Mo X., Geng G., Li X., Zhou H., Liu D. (2014). Temporal-spatial characteristics of severe drought events and their impact on agriculture on a global scale. Quaternary International, 349, 10-21.