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On the 4th of December 2019 in the Europa Building in Brussels, the seat of the Council of the European Union, the official launch of the European Environment Agency report The European environment – state and outlook 2020” (SOER 2020) was held. Conclusions of the report and the European Green Deal targets formed a leading topic of the addresses. The event was attended by the CIEP representatives.

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 "The European environment – state and outlook 2020": a call for a change of direction and enhanced actions

On the 4th of December 2019 the European Environment Agency published the latest SOER report on the state of environment: ‘’The European environment – state and outlook 2020” (SOER 2020). “We have to do more, we have to act differently” – it is, in a nutshell, the main message of the SOER 2020. It is also a kind of prescription for dealing with urgent environmental challenges and also a way to gain a global development that balances societal, economic and environmental aspects.


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On the 19th of June 2019 the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the EEA and EIONET took place in Copenhagen. The events, as well as the EEA Management Board meeting and EEA/EIONET National Focal Points meeting organized during the same week, were attended by the CIEP representatives, according to their roles in the EEA and EIONET structures.

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On the 27th of February 2019 the Instutute of Geodesy and Cartography and the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection organised the seminar on the Copernicus Land services coordinated by the EEA, dedicated to land cover and land use.

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