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The report, prepared by the EEA/EIONET National Focal Point in Poland, located in the CIEP, concerns the year 2014 but in key areas also the period until June 2015.

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Launch of the SOER 2015 report in Poland

Environmental policy delivered measurable benefits for the environment, economy and human well-being but there are many challenges still ahead of us – it is one of the conclusions presented by Jock Martin, Head of Programme on Integrated Environmental Assessments, European Environment Agency, during the seminar – national launch of the EEA report “The European Environment 2015. State and Outlook” (SOER 2015).

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The EEA The European Environment - State and Outlook 2015 report – SOER 2015 was presented during launch events in Brussels on 3-6 March 2015. The launch conference as well as workshop in the European Parliament was attended by the delegation from the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

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"Europe's environment and climate policies have delivered substantial benefits, improving the environment and quality of life.. [but] despite these gains, Europe still faces a range of persistent and growing environmental challenges" - the European Environment Agency says in its SOER 2015 report published today. You can observe many positive short-term trends but the long-term perspective is not so encouraging.

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