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On the 20-22 of October 2015 the last this year meeting of the National Focal Points for the cooperation with the European Environment Agency within European Information and Observation Network EIONET was held in the  EEA headquarters in Copenhagen.

NFP EIONET meetings are held three times a year to discuss by the EEA and NFPs tasks under EEA and EIONET work programme. The first day was dedicated to the meetings of the NFP working groups on Improvement & Innovation Initiative, Eionet priority data flows and ICT, as well as separate meeting between the West Balkan NFPs and the EEA staff. The agenda of the plenary meeting held next days focused on: the changes in the process of EEA programming documents preparation including the work on the annual work programme for 2017, SOER 2015 report evaluation, EU and national policy evaluation including EEA thematic reports, like the recent TERM report evaluating 15 years of transport and environmental policy integration – the draft currently under consultation with the countries, and the EEA catalogue on resource efficiency developed with the countries, Eionet priority data flows revision, development of the knowledge base to support the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Programme, environmental monitoring in the Copernicus context, relations with the global processes related to Sustainable Development Goals as well as UNEP and UNECE work.

The Copenhagen meeting was preceded by a webinar to discuss inter alia: EEA work on the products type, rights in the EEA IT system and EEA Natural Systems and Vulnerability Programme reorganisation.

Poland was represented by Małgorzata Bednarek from the Department of Monitoring and Environmental Information in the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, National Focal Point in Poland. Under additional activities Ms Bednarek’s NFP Troika term ended at the previous meeting in May but she continues the work in the ICT working group. 

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