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On the European Environment Agency website EEA Multiannual Work Programme 2014-2018 as well as first annual work programme under new perspective is already available.

Referring to the objectives of the General European Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’ (7th EAP), adopted in November 2013, new EEA Multiannual Work Programme is structured around four strategic areas:

  • Informing policy implementation – including EEA’s role in providing information on the state of environment and pressures under DPSIR assessment model and on progress under environmental policy themes with reference to the range of EU directives and regulations and the need for improving implementation, divided into 9 thematic areas covering elements of the environment and economic sectors,
  • Assessing systemic challenges – including tasks concerning analysis of various relations and synergies across environmental, economic, social and political elements, also in a long-term perspective, covering such problems like green and resource-efficient economy, human health and well-being, global megatrends,
  • Knowledge co-creation, sharing and use – including cooperation with various institutions and organizations as well as network of experts, particularly EIONET, and also information and communication systems development,
  • EEA management – including administration issues and organization of the Agency.

EEA Annual Work Programme for 2014 is structured similarly with tasks specified for the current year.

In the consultation process for both documents, involving, as a standard procedure, all member countries, EEA/EIONET National Focal Point in the Department of Monitoring and Environmental Information of the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection took an active part. The programmes were adopted by the EEA Management Board in November 2013.

EEA Multiannual Work Pogramme 2014-2018

EEA Annual Work Programme 2014

Information in Polish

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